Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women.

Although there are different rates in different nations, one out of every ten women is at risk of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. Therefore, prevention methods from breast cancer are important.

In order to talk about the methods of protection from a disease, it is necessary to know the factors that cause that disease.

Until today, many risk factors for breast cancer have been identified.

The most important of them are;

  • Menstruation at a young age
  • late menopause
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Social life and nutrition factor

Among these risk factors, menstruation at a young age, age at menopause and having breast cancer in the family are risk factors that cannot be changed by the person's own will.

How much can be protected from breast cancer with the remaining changes in social life and nutrition factor? There are hundreds of studies on this subject.

Subjects that we can examine within the framework of social life and nutrition factor;

  • Medicines used against menopausal symptoms - hormone replacement therapy,
  • Lack of daily physical activity,
  • overweight,
  • Alcohol consumption.

Various previous studies on these factors have been shown to be a risk factor for breast cancer.

As a result, it is necessary to avoid excessive weight gain, to pay attention to nutrition, especially to hormone foods that cause cancer, to avoid hormone supplement treatment unless it is very necessary, and to exercise.

It is said that up to 30% of breast cancers can be prevented if postmenopausal hormone supplementation is abandoned and a more active lifestyle is chosen.


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