Menopause refers to the period when regular menstrual bleeding disappears; It is a term formed by combining the Latin words meno and pause.
If there is no menstrual period in a year, it is considered to have entered menopause. It is a physiological condition that occurs following the end of ovarian functions.
The average age of menopause for a woman is considered to be 49 (+/- 5). 8% of women enter menopause before the age of 40, in which case it is defined as premature menopause.
Early or late onset of menopause, although possibly hereditary; Good nutrition, healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and smoking can delay menopause. The menopause period accounts for one-third of a woman's life.
Symptoms of menopause due to the decrease in estrogen hormone are evaluated in two stages as early and late periods. These complaints, which often decrease in severity within a year, may last for five years or longer in 20% of women.
Early Findings;
Late Findings;
The reason for these symptoms and changes that occur with menopause is the insufficiency of the estrogen hormone. The treatment of external replacement of deficient hormones is called hormone replacement therapy, shortly HRT.
While applying HRT in menopause; personal and familial risk factors of the individual should be evaluated very well. HRT provides quality life expectancy. It can be applied for 3 to 5 years as long as regular routine examinations and examinations are carried out. After 5 years, the profit and loss calculation should be done very well.
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