
Osteoporosis is a decrease in the structure and function of bone mass.

It makes its presence felt with deformities and self-fractures that manifest themselves with pain. This disease, which is predominantly seen in women, is present in one out of four women over the age of 60.

The obvious causes include menopause, old age, use of cortisone and thyroid drugs, and immobilization (long-term bed rest, paralysis).

Clinically, it manifests itself with chronic back, waist and hip pain, shortening of stature, and fractures caused by simple traumas. The most important diagnostic method is bone densitometry.

In the treatment, preventive treatment and nutrition, drug treatment and surgical treatment come to the fore. Oral calcium intake and exercise are important as preventive treatment. Milk and dairy products, green vegetables, almonds and walnuts should be given priority in nutrition.

If densidometric measurements have reached acceptable limits, medical treatment is applied. Surgical treatment is; applied to fractures.


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