What is lung cancer?
What is lung cancer?
What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer begins when cells from structurally normal lung tissue multiply out of need and control, forming a mass (tumor) in the lung.

Lung cancer, of which smoking is one of the main factors, ranks first in cancer-related deaths in our country and in the world. With early diagnosis, the chance of curing lung cancer increases; It should not be forgotten that the chance of cure is 85-90% with the diagnosis of lung cancer at an early stage.

Lung cancer begins when cells from structurally normal lung tissue multiply out of need and control, forming a mass (tumor) in the lung. The mass formed here first grows in its environment, and in later stages, it spreads to the surrounding tissues or distant organs (liver, bone, brain, etc.) through the circulation, causing disease.

Lung cancer is a very common cancer. It is the cause of 12-16% of all cancers and 17-28% of cancer-related deaths. Moreover, it ranks first in cancer-related deaths in both men and women.

What are the Symptoms of Lung Cancer?

  • Increasing cough,
  • chest pain,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Anorexia and weight loss
  • Hoarseness and difficulty swallowing
  • Weakness,
  • body pain,
  • Frequent recurrent infection.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

How Is Lung Cancer Treated?

The most important factors in determining the treatment in lung cancer are the type and stage of the cancer. In patients, the lung section where the cancer is located can be surgically removed. Chemotherapy can be applied to patients who are considered unsuitable for surgery.

What are the Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer?

  • Avoiding cancer-causing substances such as cigarettes and alcohol,
  • Thinking positively and avoiding stress,
  • Avoiding radiation,
  • Tar, gasoline, dyestuffs, asbestos, etc. taking care not to inhale substances,
  • Avoiding air pollution
  • Maintaining a healthy diet.


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