Diabetes; It is a lifelong disease that develops when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin hormone and the insulin hormone it produces cannot be used effectively.
Diabetes; It is a life -long disease if the pancreas does not produce sufficient amount of insulin hormones and the insulin hormone produced cannot be used effectively. In type 1 diabetes, insulin is not secreted by pancreas. In Type 2 diabetes, there is no use of tissues due to insensitivity to hormone. Both diseases are diseases that can be kept under control with drugs, diet and exercise programs that are treated today. Both groups of patients should have their controls regularly and pay attention to healthy living conditions.
Diabetes can cause many diseases, and when the complications of these diseases are added, it can disrupt the patient's quality of life and physical integrity. With the treatment under the control of the doctor, diabetes and diseases cause can be prevented or their effects can be reduced.
Diseases caused by diabetes can be listed as follows:
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes that do not always show itself with symptoms;
Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes usually develop slowly and the patient may continue his life without realizing that there is a type 2 diabetes in itself for a long time.
How is diabetes treated?
The aim of the treatment of diabetes is to provide blood sugar adjustment, prevent blood sugar spikes. It is extremely important to prevent the development of complications or to slow down the course of advanced complications.
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